What we need from you

AML is a term you may have heard before, or may be totally new to. It’s a mandated regulation used by all real estate salespeople in New Zealand and will often differ from agency to agency based on risk-based decisions.

What does it actually mean and how does it affect you, if you’re trying to sell your property?

To comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009, we are required to conduct Customer Due Diligence (CDD) on any of our clients before conducting any real estate activities or marketing their property.

We can obtain the necessary information from you in a few different ways:

  • An in-person meeting

  • Receiving a certified copy of the necessary documents (certified by a Justice of the Peace or equivalent authority within three months of today’s date), or

  • We can provide you a with an electronic link for you to complete the necessary steps yourself

Please let us know which option is most convenient for you.

Below, you will find a handy FAQ’s section, plus some downloadable guides/checklists, which outline everything we need from you and how you can get it to us, whether you’re an individual, or individuals, a trust or a company.

Individual ownership

(A property that is not owned by a trust or company)

For each owner, with more than 25% owner or a person acting on behalf of an owner (e.g. Power of Attorney), we require the following:

Proof of ID

A passport is the preferred form of ID. Alternatively, you can provide a copy of the front and back of your New Zealand driver’s license. The back is required as quite often the expiry date is here.

Proof of address

We require a document, such as a rates bill or document that must display your name, your current residential address and it must be dated within 12 months of the date that you provide this proof to us.

Company ownership

If your property is owned by a company, we need the following from any director or shareholder with more than 25% ownership:

Proof of ID

A passport is the preferred form of ID. Alternatively, you can provide a copy of the front and back of your New Zealand driver’s license. The back is required as quite often the expiry date is here.

Proof of address

As with individuals, we require a document, such as a rates bill or document that must display your name, your current residential address and it must be dated within 12 months of the date that you provide this proof to us.

Nominee Directors or Shareholders

We will ask you whether there are any nominee directors or shareholders and if there are, we will need to gather information from these nominated individuals also

Source of Wealth/Source of Funds

Additionally, we require documentation or information regarding the source of wealth for the company and the source of funds for how the company purchased the property.

This can be drafted by your accountant/solicitor and needs to be on their letterhead and signed by an accountant/solicitor (who is NOT a director of this property).

The statement should detail how the company created its wealth and what source of funds the company used to purchase this property. For example, “The Company Limited" purchased this property using cash and a mortgage. The company created funds by selling rental properties and collecting wages over a six-year period".

In addition to this, you will also need to tell us if there are any nominee directors or nominee shareholders within this company.

Trust ownership

For properties held in a trust, we need the following from each trustee:

Proof of ID

A passport is the preferred form of ID. Alternatively, you can provide a copy of the front and back of your New Zealand driver’s license. The back is required as quite often the expiry date is here.

Proof of address

We require a document, such as a rates bill or document that must display your name, your current residential address and it must be dated within 12 months of the date that you provide this proof to us.

Trust Deed and any Trust Deed Amendment Documents

We will need a copy of the Trust Deed and any Trust Deed Amendment Documents - this is to identify the trustees and any beneficiaries of the trust.

Source of Wealth/Source of Funds

Additionally, we require documentation or information regarding the source of wealth for the trust and the source of funds for how the trust purchased the property.

This can be drafted by your accountant/solicitor and needs to be on their letterhead and signed by an accountant/solicitor (who is NOT a trustee of this property).

The statement should detail how the Trust created its wealth and what source of funds the trust used to purchase this property. For example, “The Smith Family Trust purchased this property using cash and a mortgage. The Trust created funds by selling rental properties and collecting wages over a six-year period"".

Please provide the requested information based on your property’s ownership structure. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to get in touch with us. Ensuring compliance with AML regulations is important and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


  • AML/CFT (Anti-money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorisom Act).

    These regulations came into force for all real estate transactions completed by all real estate agencies within New Zealand from the 1st January 2019. Customer Due Diligence (CDD) must be completed before real estate agency work can begin.

  • In short, we need to… Unfortunately this is not an optional process and we understand that it may seem a bit intrusive (as we’re gathering up all of your most important documents), but rest assured, we take the utmost care to protect all of your personal information.

    Each real estate agency was tasked with developing a risk-based program to ensure each agency met their compliance with the AML/CFT Act 2019.

    Our compliance program has been developed to identify, understand and assess the risks of money laundering and financing terrorism for our business and in doing this we need to collect some information from you. or anyone associated with this property in terms of trustees, directors, shareholders or, in some cases, beneficiaries.

    The AML/CFT Act requires us to know our clients (by gathering CDD – customer due diligence) and catorgorise clients based on risk and, based on the act, some clients are automatically higher risk than others, specifically trusts and trustees. In these circumstances we will need more detail before we can commence listing and marketing your property.

  • To prepare and ensure we are on track/ready to go, we will ask you to supply us with the following for AML purposes, which is legally required prior to your listing agreement being signed:

    For individuals – an individual or individuals listed on a title, where a property is not owned by a trust or company.

    • Proof of ID (POI) - The best proof of ID is a Passport (preferred), NZ Firearms license.

      If no passport, we can take a drivers license as long as it is accompanied by a secondary source of identification (birth certificate/18+ Card/Electronic verification/Bank Card – showing your name/Bank Statement/Any letter from the IRD)

    • Proof of Address (POA) - The best proof of address is a rates bill or power bill, phone bill, etc. This must show your current address.

    Please ensure your passport is valid and is signed

    Drivers license – we need the front and the back (as the back usually details the expiry date)

    POA – this needs to be your current address and we need to have POA for anyone who is listed on the title. This proof of address must be dated within 12 months from when you give this to us.

    If you are unable to come into the office with these documents, you will need someone to certify your documents. Certification – if required - must be done within three months from when you give this to us.

  • There are a number of people who can certify documents, if you are unable to come into the office and have to email the documents to us:

    Justice of the Peace, member of the Police, Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer or Chartered Accountant.

    The date of certification needs to be within three months from today’s date and they must use the following statement to certify your documents:

    “I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the original document, which I have sighted, and it represents a true likeness of [Individual’s Name]”

  • Where due diligence is required - for all trusts - we require both to be provided by you.

    To accurately describe Source of Funds there needs to reference a sentence to say how the property was purchased, something along the lines of:

    • the property was purchased from funds from the trust

    • the property was purchased using a mortgage and funds from the trust

    To accurately describe Source of Wealth there needs to reference a sentence to say how the funds were accumulated for the trust (over time), something along the lines of:

    • the trust bought and sold 4 properties over time to accumulate wealth…

    • The trust originally inherited a property from family…

    • The trust purchased using funds saved over time and further accumulated due to rental income…

    (The source of wealth and source of funds needs to be formally written ideally by your accountant or your solicitor but cannot be signed off by your accountant/solicitor if they are your trustee. Please ask if another person within their firm if they can sign this off for them. This should be on letterhead.)

  • If you have completed AML with us in the last 12 months you will not need to do this again.

    If it has been longer that 12 months, or if your circumstances have changed (you have got married or divorced), you will have to do it again.

  • In short, we cannot proceed with any transactions if we don’t have all of the outlined documents from you. Speak to your Bayleys agent if you have any quesitons or concerns about supplying any information.

  • We will take steps as required by applicable laws to keep your personal information safe from loss, unauthorized activity, or other misuse.

    We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks inherent in processing personal information.

    Only certain people within our organisation are authorised to log into our system, which has levels of password protection for each user. Nothing can be shared in or out of our secure system without your authority.

  • Yes, we can send you a link via Real Me or an electronic identity link that will require you to take a photo of yourself and your license.

  • No. However, we can use other documents, such as your driver’s license, birth certificate or gun license.

  • Ideally, we need to have someone who isn’t within the trust, to remove any conflict of interest. If this trustee is the only person who can verify the trust’s wealth and funds then please talk to us.

  • The AML/CFT Act is a risk based document that enables each company to do different things based on risk. Every company should ask you to provide documentation as this is a requirement, by law. However, the various forms required may change based on each company’s program.

Download the full AML handbook by clicking the button below

Let us break it down for you